Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Belajar Dengan Menulis: Menghayati Kisah Fitnah Terhadap Saidatina Aisyah ...

Belajar Dengan Menulis: Menghayati Kisah Fitnah Terhadap Saidatina Aisyah ...: Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Muslim rahimahullah didalam kitabnya, Sahih Muslim bahawa Saidatina Aisyah r.a isteri Nabi s.a.w katanya: Apabila Ra...


  1. nice blog Azah =). keep on writing, you inspires me in many ways.

  2. Thank you :). Inshallah...I will keep on writing. I pray that we will always be inspired by many things happening in this world, from the existence of Adam till now.. Subhanallah.

  3. Subhanallah. Sometimes,people are just so beautiful. Not in their looks but in what they say. But i believe, you are as beautiful as your writing.

    Here is some wisdom words for you to ponder; we always wanted a perfect life but we forgot that some poems dont rhyme and some stories dont have beginning or ending. Yep?

  4. Thank you so much:). Inshallah I wanna be beautiful inside out but I am only human with weakness. However, Allah give us many test to endure and learn, so that in the end it is a wisdom we gain. Expectation is just a benchmark..i believe life is so mysterious to expect things we are expecting.. as what you said some poems don't rhyme :). Hope is one thing, the most is that at what extend will we put the effort towards thing we want in life. Next, the ability to accept the taqdir with open heart. Inshallah, strength exist only if we determine to be strong... At least try our best to be one..

  5. Indeed.... Well said Azah. Looking forward for your next post!
